Life is Beautiful

Life is Beautiful

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Day 12 Price, Utah --> Albuquerque, New Mexico

We left Price, Utah at 9am with a temperature of 43 degrees. We are going to go through Moab today; it should be neat to see again. We took a detour into Arches National Park. It was awesome! We took several pictures and a couple videos; you will have to go to our flickr site to view them. We stopped in Moab, UT for lunch and it was a warm 66 degrees, very nice. The farther we drive the uglier it is getting. As we got into New Mexico the highways were dirtier and the speed limit went from 65 to 55, very annoying. The cat decided to share the car seat with John; we have a few funny pics of that too. We arrived to Albuquerque at 7pm and drove to an Applebee’s for dinner. We are staying at a Holiday Inn Express, it is a really large room, nice and clean too. It was a 501 mile day for us, it wouldn’t have been a long day if we wouldn’t have spent time in the Arches National Park, but it was worth it. John is exhausted but was really good today. The cat seems to be getting tired of being on the road. She was pacing in the car today; I think we are all getting anxious for this journey to come to an end. It has been fun, but long. I don’t like New Mexico, good night.


  1. If you don't like New M then you will really hate west TX. It is a very boring drive till you get to the hill country. (Fredricksberg area)It will take a whole day to get from NM to Austin, and I mean a long Day. Be careful of the deer on the road out there. Dan and I almost hit some in the middle of the day. I was driving and got to gazing. Hope the weather holds. It has been in the mid 70's and low 80's and cool at night. Give me a call when you think you will know your Austin arrival. Grandpa Dennie

  2. I agree! New Mexico is "icky". Love you all --Keri

  3. Some things in life take your breath away. A sunsrise or sunset over the desert will always be one of them. It's the Aurora of the Southwest. There have been people there admiring them for thousands of years and the sky has always inspired. I hope you have a chance to stop and take one in.....
